Saturday, December 29, 2018

Become a Youtube Celebrity Overnight

The world's most popular online marketing strategy is video marketing. Video marketing is exploding its way in promoting your business and improving sales through videos. This is a simple method adopted by millions of business firms and individuals looking forward to market their products and services at low cost. It can also be used to drive tons of traffic to your website with just one video using this viral video marketing method. This could easily be done with many popular web 2.0 social networking websites like YouTube and MySpace.

How to start with?

In order to promote your business or product through online video marketing, you first need to create a video with an advertisement in it. The video should show the product and services that you offer to the customers in a more appealing way. The video you create should depend on what kind of target audience you intend to target. The video should not sound like a blatant advertisement because people will never watch ads or read a sales pitch in a video instead they always search for videos related to entertainment and information.

It is a good idea to create more videos related to your product and services to increase the chance of someone watching them. Having more videos will sure build your presence on YouTube and more chance of subscriptions.

Do remember to create the video with good quality with clear message since it reflects the value of your service and product. The video should be something very attractive that grasps the viewer's attention and pushes them till the end of the video. See that your video is neither too long nor too short. It is always a better way to blend your service, product or website URL in the form of watermark throughout the video. You can also embed your ad in the beginning and at the end of the video. You can also embed your logo and company name to improve the notability of the viewer. Take enough time to create you quality video. If you find it difficult, you can approach a custom video creation company or a vendor providing these services to make sure that the video is of high quality at the same time give out the message that you want to convey.

Now it's time for the video to be published online and populate it to the top page of YouTube. Before you publish, pre check your video for good quality, spelling mistakes and correct information is provided in the video. After the submission of your video in YouTube it will be searchable by the viewers based on the tags titles, and keywords used. YouTube follows a ranking system based on the number of views for displaying search results and in the home page. The more the number of views your video have, the higher percentage of your video being on the top most viewed page of YouTube. It will obviously take more time to bring more view on your videos. In order to boost them fast and bring in sales quickly, you may find a vendor to purchase views and improve rating for your video overnight.

Viral video marketing method is the ultimate way to boost your traffic, sales and promote your product in a short period of time.

Apakah menjadi blogger masih menguntungkan?

Tentu, menjadi blogger menguntungkan karna memberikan wadah untuk mengungkapkan apa yang ingin kita sampaikan, secara bebas!
Kalau bicara dari segi pemasukan, saya pribadi kurang tahu pasti. Selama sekitar satu tahun belakangan ini, saya menulis tetapi belum di monetize sehingga saya belum merauk uang secara langsung dari tulisan saya karena usia saya yang belum cukup, hehe. KTP aja belum pegang sampai detik saya nulis ini, hehe.
Tetapi selain itu, saya juga gak pengen iklan menggangu kenyamanan pembaca. Apalagi disaat blog saya masih berkembang, saya aktif mencari basis pembaca setia.
Tapi menurut saya, selama kontenmu punya diferensiasi, pendapatan itu pasti akan datang dengan sendirinya. Asalkan, itu jangan menghilangkan motivasi kamu untuk menulis yang sebenarnya.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits include grapefruits, lemons, orange, and limes, in addition to pomelos and tangerines. Not just are the citrus fruits in this different group refreshing and delicious, they acquire their description of an all-star food because they contain compounds called flavonoids, which may have anticancer properties. 

Citrus flavonoids are antioxidants that can protect against heart disease and may neutralize free radicals. Studies show that citrus flavonoids may enhance blood flow through coronary arteries, decrease the capacity of arteries to shape blood clots and prevent the oxidation of LDL or also known as bad cholesterol, which is a first step in the formation of artery plaques. 

Citrus fruits are also a good source of thiamin and folate, and are high in vitamin C. Thiamin is a vitamin B vital in metabolism. Folate is necessary for DNA synthesis and cell division. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and shields the body from damaging free radicals. It likewise essential for the production of collagen, which helps grip blood vessels, bone, ligaments, tendons together and aid wounds heal. 

While orange is a greatly loved among citrus fruits family, there are numerous other exciting assortments of citrus that you might not have know about. Take a stab at something new! 

Cara orange - a kind of navel orange that resembles a regular orange all things considered, yet is a particular pinkish red. Cara oranges are sugary and have a tart indication of cranberries. 

Blood orange - littler than the regular orange, the blood orange gets its name from the striking splendid red to maroon inside. Blood oranges have an extraordinary orange flavor with a clue of crisp raspberry.

Pomelo - the biggest citrus fruit, the pomelo almost takes after the grapefruit. Pomelos have a deep yellow to green skin, with an inside that extends from white to intense pink. It tastes sweeter and less acidic than grapefruit. 

Minneola Tangelo - a half and a half between the grapefruit and tangerine, this fruit has a reviving blend of tart and sweet flavors. 

Did you know? The vitamin C in citrus fruit firmly improves the retention of iron in food. Vitamin C tries to press in the digestive tract, and the iron-vitamin C complexes are retained together. 

Valuable Tips 

Stock citrus fruit at room temperature on the off chance that you will eat it in a week. Squirt some lemon juice on crisp slice fruits or new guacamole to keep them from browning rapidly. 

Enjoy and taste the health advantages of citrus fruit with recipes with lemon or orange. Also, delicious, zesty and juicy, citrus fruits are highly supported and loved worldwide because of their astonishing health reimbursements. Known citrus fruits like lemons, grapefruits and oranges are eaten in their normal structure as well as squeezed for juice, included into jams and jellies furthermore utilized as a part of cooking to flavor meats and vegetables with their tart taste.

Anam Cara Making sense of life

In Corrogue this Anam Cara or Soul Friend is coming to his senses.

This morning it is a wet and windy Sunday morning. Each Sunday morning is an extended morning of rest. It is a morning of practice. I practice slowly coming to my senses. It is a morning in which I practice deep caring for the body and the soul. This is a practice of awareness of the sensationalism of life moment to moment.

We are beings of the senses.

We make sense of our world via the senses. The senses are gateways. They keep us locked into a certain reality but they can be the medium of freedom from the limitation we call “our life.” For too long religion has labelled the senses as something “not quite nice.” For too long we have separated our senses as being something “not spiritual.” Many of our religions have done the same with the sensational experience we call sex.

As an Aman Cara I teach spirituality of the senses. I teach what Van Morrison calls “A sense of wonder.” An Anam Cara teaches you to honour the sensuality and grace of the body. They teach you to honour this grace by letting go “disgrace that is inherent in our social conditioning. Our nature is the nature of grace and not the illusion of disgrace. Our nature is the nature of beauty.

Coming to our senses is what I call, “The feeling way.”

Being attentive to the senses allows life to be felt as sensational. We tend to see that which is sensational as being outside ourselves. We gather more and more sensational images in our newspapers, on our televisions and from other media forms. We ourselves do not enter the sensational. Thus we lock ourselves out of heaven. This heaven is this wonder called “life” in the eternal now.

We do not enter the sensational realisation that we are the “flow of life.”

We have become non-sensible people. We have become cerebral people. We try to “make sense.” We do not attune ourselves to being “able to sense.” This is not surprising. As children we felt sensational. We knew in ways we have forgotten.

We knew what we liked and did not like. We just did not have the words to explain. This was until we were told that trusting our senses was "not nice." It could mean that you told the truth and God help us someone might then be offended. You might have known that Joe Bloggs was not safe to be around but you overrode this fact by being told that you were not “being nice.”

Thus your sensational body and its wondrous intelligence were swapped for the experience of “niceness in all things.” You took the first steps away from trusting your “inner telling sense.” For most of us the experience of trusting ourselves was downhill from there on in.

An Anam Cara encourages you to return to the wisdom of the body and the senses. This is the whole body and not just from the neck up. The Anam Cara values your sensitivity. They value trust in your sensitivity. The senses take you into a deeper appreciation of beauty than any cerebral description. The senses take you into the place of the now. This is the only time you have to be alive. This is the only place where you can have the time of your life.

Developing sensitivity means trusting the wisdom of the senses.
It means trusting the wisdom of the body. It means trusting your inner knowing. This is your intuition and your inner teaching. It requires the ability to feel the feelings that flow in, or are blocked in, the body. These are all feelings. Thus you begin to perceive life in the body and not life in the head. Your body becomes a vehicle for seeing the real life beyond “thinking about” your life.

Coming to your senses makes you more sensible.

This is not sensible in a cerebral sense. This is the less used bodily wisdom we call the “ability to sense.” When you are more able to allow your body to sense you make clearer decisions. You are not so threatened. You have no need to constantly rationalise your choices.

When you begin to come to your senses you may in many ways appear rude. This is only at the beginning. You are changing the vibrational rate of your body. You are becoming more refined. You are becoming more holistic and holy. You are becoming an individual with your own sense of who you are.

As you come to your senses you begin to drop what is no longer needed.

You may drop toxic relationships. You will begin to avoid toxic people even if to do so may make you appear not "a nice person.” Let me tell you that you will survive such a judgement. Just stay with this. Coming to your senses gives you a sense of your own authority.

When you begin coming to your senses you allow others the opportunity to come to their senses. They are toxic because they are separate from love. Coming to your senses allows them to sense the perfume of wisdom. This is the sense of knowing who they are and knowing that they belong here as a Divine being. Is this not a gift worth spending time to discover and sharing with others?

Coming to your senses means you learn to avoid senseless action.

Much of the action we engage with is designed to make us senseless. We turn up switch off and switch on the television. We zone out and we call this re-creation and renewal. Over a period we shut down our senses and we need greater sensationalism in order to get the same fix. More powerful images of violence and unhappiness are required to penetrate our defences. We become people of the part and people apart. We become what my teacher Osho calls “logic choppers. We rationalize our lives. We forget who we are and do not wake up to this miraculous gift of life.

Thus we miss beauty.
Beauty is sensational. Our inner beauty is sensational. It has been covered in the dust of judgment and unacceptability ever since we were small children. Beauty is expressed from the inner to the outer. While outer beauty is a delight it will diminish in time. Inner beauty is the essence of love that lives within the timeless. Learning to know and be this can be one of our greatest gifts in growing older.

We have to start now.

We are becoming more deeply separate from what is elemental. We are becoming more separate from our essentialness. It is time to return to the wisdom of the body. It is time to return to the senses and the sensational inner awareness of “what is.” Then you may glimpse what it is to go beyond the senses to the timeless wonder of now.

This winter do not fight tiredness in the body.

Take more rest. Go to bed earlier. We often think we should go to sleep at set times. We forget we are embodiments of energy subject to the rhythms of the seasons. Most of the life force on this Northern hemisphere is now deeply asleep. This energy will begin to awaken in its own time. All life will begin to open to the coming of the light.

This week I wish you a sensational, sensible and sensuous experience of being in your body now.

Remember to breathe in and breathe out. Remember too that the blessing is already here. You are it. All you have to do is become sensitive to your own sense of wonder. For a time this week give up “logic” for the “illogical” and the sensational. After adequate rest in the body wake up and expect the miraculous.
Love and blessings to you all.

© 2005 Tony Cuckson Irish Blessings Matter

Bagaimana Mencari Sebuah Situs Online Poker

Jadi, Kamu telah memutuskan bahwa Anda ingin bermain poker Online, dan perburuan web sempurna telah diawali. Akan tetapi sayangnya, ada ratusan web poker di Internet. Bagaimana Anda mengelompokkan antara semua situs yang tersedia, untuk memperoleh situs yang diinginkan? Ada sejumlah tolok ukur penting yang Anda kudu ketahui, dalam pencarian Anda untuk medapati situs poker yang sempurna untuk Anda. Memahami kriteria ini, Jika Anda prihatin tentang keamanan komputer Kamu atau tidak mampu ruang disk yang digunakan oleh instalasi perangkat lunak, pilih sebuah situs poker berbasis web.

Metode Deposit/penarikan - jika Anda berencana untuk bermain poker untuk duit melalui Internet, hal ini sangat penting untuk mempertimbangkan metode penyetoran dan penarikan yang mendukung sebuah website poker. Banyak dari website ini mengizinkan kartu kredit akan digunakan, yang siapa tahu menjadi mekanisme universal deposit pilihan. Lain mengizinkan penggunaan bank transfer, cek, ACH transfer /, dan transfer dari bank kawat.

Beberapa besar situs poker juga mendukung beberapa bentuk 3 Partai eWallets, yang menyampaikan perantara antara lembaga perbankan dan situs poker sendiri. Kriteria utama untuk melihat adalah: apa metode penyetoran dan penarikan didukung oleh situs poker, dan meski banyak dari metode tersebut didukung oleh lokal yang Anda tinggal di?; Apakah legal untuk dana/penarikan ke/dari sebuah situs poker, daripada yurisdiksi yang Anda tampil di?; Apa biaya yang terkait dengan 3 kelompok eWallet perusahaan yang Dikau dapat menggunakan, dan gimana dapat diandalkan adalah itu.

Hal Yang Mesti Ditemukan Dalam Sebuah Situs Online Poker Berkualitas

Situs-situs permainan online poker telah menjadi kian dan lebih populer hari ini sebagai alternatif pembentukan kasino. Mereka adalah jalan yang nyaman bermain bervariasi poker game dalam kesenangan rumah Anda sendiri. tangkas website membuat permainan virtual poker tersedia untuk perintis dan lanjutan poker pemain yang sama. Namun, tersedia beberapa hal yang kudu dipertimbangkan ketika mencoba untuk memilih situs poker simpan untuk memainkan permainan ini menghibur. Keselamatan adalah wahid hal yang penting untuk dipertimbangkan ketika mencari untuk bermain poker games on line dan meneliti situs sebelumnya mungkin membuat poker tampil sedikit lebih aman daripada jika Anda adalah untuk hanya melompat tepat pada tanpa berpikir.

Kedua, sesuatu lain yang pemain tangkas online calon harus tahu ke dalam sebuah situs online poker sebelum start bermain adalah peluang yang baik seperti orang-orang yang bermain permainan ini on line uang mencari untuk menang. Ketiga hal untuk menelaah dalam poker website berselok-belok dengan jenis permainan tangkas yang menawarkan situs web. Akhirnya, hal ini selalu baik untuk melakukan kaum penelitian mengenai apa yang akan menjadi taruhan pemisah sebelum memilih poker situs yang kalian ingin untuk memforsir. Silahkan Anda meninjau Agen Domino 99 untuk menguji peruntungan dan ketrampilan Kamu dalam game poker Online dan temukan bonus-bonus memikat. 

Keamanan internet menjadi tinjauan yang lebih serius perian ini, sangat penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana uang akan ditukar sebelum, selama dan setelah poker game serta apa informasi keuangan Dikau akan harus memberikan untuk bermain poker online. Di dunia di mana penipuan internet terlalu hadir, sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memanfaatkan poker situs yang adalah secure website - website. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk tahu sebelumnya bahwa informasi keuangan Anda akan tidak ditransmisikan sedemikian rupa mana mungkin terdapat kesempatan bagi seseorang untuk mendapatkan memegang itu dan menggunakannya dengan cara yang salah. Memeriksa ke pada semua fitur tersedia keselamatan sebelum memulai untuk bermain poker di sebuah situs web adalah smart berpikir dan salah satu yang saya sangat menyarankan bahwa Anda melihat ke dalam.

Hal lain untuk diperhatikan ketika memilih sebuah web poker tertentu sebelum tampil permainan kartu yang pendatang biasa ini adalah spesies peluang akan hadir dalam permainan online poker. Online poker adalah cara yang bagus untuk bersenang-senang dan mungkin membuat sedikit duit dalam proses; Namun, amat penting untuk mengetahui apa-apa yang akan menjadi sistem Anda sebelum duduk pada meja virtual poker. Dikau kemungkinan akan mampu penelitian peluang dengan pergi di situs poker yang kalian berpikir tentang menggunakan dan melihat apa yang mereka mesti katakan pada subjek. Bila situs web tertentu tidak memposting informasi peluang tersebut, maka Anda mungkin lebih baik pindah ke situs lain yang menerbitkan macam informasi.

Understanding YouTube Analytics and Its Basics

YouTube Analytics comes in when you have started using YouTube to upload and share videos and when you started to wonder who are watching your videos and how do they can get more views and better engagement.

When you build a dashing YouTube channel, the requirement is, you must understand who your audience is and how do they engage with your videos. As luck would have it, YouTube Analytics is to the rescue to tell you a lot more about your audience, what do they like, and what kind of content you should create to become successful.

Here are some overviews of YouTube Analytics to help you make the most of this tool. How to get started using this tool, the insights it provides, and any possible information available in your result that you can use to improve your results.

Get started by signing in to your Google account and navigate to your YouTube channel page, then at the top of your channel page, click on views to go directly to your channel's analytics.

YouTube Analytics Overview

After following the said instructions above, you are now looking at your channels Analytics Overview. If you are on default settings, it gives you data for the past 28 days, but in another hand, you can change that to any period of time you wish to retrieve analytics from. The data that you are going to retrieve from this page is beneficial if you are looking to get a general report of how your channel is working. If you wanted to look for a slight capture of your channel's performance, then Overview is the right place to go.

It is to be noted that YouTube Analytics are also based on Pacific Standard Time, updated once a day and might have a delay of 72 hours. If you really need to look to make the most of YouTube Analytics, you might need to hop into each detailed report.

Watch time Reports

This is where you will find the essential analytics on YouTube, it breaks down how your different videos and its quality are keeping your audience engaged. Watch Time Reports dispense insight of the overall performance of your channel and it can also be used to swim deeper into the performance of individual videos.

Views are the most basic measurement of your video's success as it shows how many times your video has been watched. But they do not take into account users that click on your content and leave immediately because views are considered equal value nevertheless how long the user watched your video.

Watch time offers a more precise breakdown of the status of your content, YouTube sums up the time that people have spent watching your videos, it measures the estimated time that your audience has watched your video and showing how many minutes of your videos have collectively been watched on your channel. 

Audience Retention embellish how suitably your video is maintaining its audience. You will be able to see how much your viewers are watching from each video, which parts are causing them to leave your content. It can be broken down more further to see your absolute audience retention and your relative audience retention which shows how your video compares to other YouTube videos of similar length and will help you determine which length video best fits you. 

Demographics provides you a comprehensive look at who exactly is watching your video to better market them. YouTube also provides insight into the demographic breakdown of your audience by gender, age, and also geographic location so that you can modify your messaging respectively. 

Playback locations show any sites or pages your video is being viewed on. It's one of the great things about YouTube when you create fun and entertaining videos, your videos could be shared in different ways, by embedding your videos to their own website or blog. The Playback locations report separates views from your YouTube page, apps, or any website that you embed your video on. It will also give you estimated minutes watched, and average view duration, but broken down by location. 

Traffic sources provide data on how your audience arrives at your video. There are different types of traffic sources and this include YouTube search, YouTube suggested videos which can be found on YouTube by clicking on a thumbnail, YouTube channel page, and YouTube playlist. You will be able to see how searchable your video while diagnosing which referral platform is gaining you the most traffic. 

Devices show if your audience is watching your video whether on their Computer, Mobile phone, Tablet, and Game console. So you could refer to them to create shorter or long videos that would be better viewed from each gadget. 

Engagement Reports

Views are only a part of building a flourishing YouTube channel. As you are kick-starting to modify your content to share on YouTube and build an audience, you may want to pursue which type of engagement your videos are generating.

Subscribers indicate how many subscribers you have gained and at the same time, how many subscribers you have lost. They are important because they are the users who are watching, engaging, and possibly influencing other people to watch your videos. Monitor your subscribers on a regular basis or as scheduled to help you diagnose if you're or you're not successful in doing this. Create videos that would make people come back and wanting for more.

Likes and Dislikes condense the number of people who liked and disliked your video. It is to be noted, that you should not focus on reaching your goals, you should work to inspire and entertain your viewers as they are essential to your success.

Comments provide you the number of comments your video has gathered. Comments can be a great way for you to know what is your audience's' perception about the video, at the same time to engage with them by answering their question or responding to their comments. 

Sharing emphasizes the number of times your videos have been shared and where your videos have been shared to. 

Annotations furnish information on your video annotations' performance, their click-through, and close rate. It will give you valuable information on how effective are the call-to-action features of your videos. 

The essential measure of success are those audiences who are attentive on your videos, your brand, and the message behind your videos. They show their support through their likes, shares, and comments on your videos.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Ultimate Hacks To Rank Your YouTube Videos Higher

You can´t deny the fact that YouTube is the second largest search engine and moreover it is a platform where every minute 400 hours of videos are uploaded! 

So getting your videos rank higher can help you gain views and even you can monetize the content of your videos with YouTube. However, uploading a video is not all that can help you get views, as I already stated the huge deal of upload. 

Therefore, you need to keep few things in mind when you upload a new video to YouTube to get a decent number of views and likes. The most important thing is the content of your video and it should be pretty decent and hold the attention of the viewer until the end of the video. As if a user starts watching your video and quits in the first few seconds, your ranking is likely to go down. 

Read: How to Become a Beginner Youtuber

Now lets jump onto few YouTube SEO tips:

1. Video Length:

About two years ago, when YouTube changed their policy, they added on a few metrics to the general algorithm of ranking videos on YouTube.  Earlier they used to rank videos based on the views only, however, they include metrics like

-Number of seconds viewed



-Social shares

Therefore, it is often told to make videos of at least 60 seconds long as the more seconds you can keep your user engaged in the video, the higher the video will rank.

2. Naming your Video file:

Improper naming structure is the most general optimization mistake committed by numerous YouTubers. Always remember to name your video file as your main keyword before you just upload it on YouTube. Just like ranking a website design on Google, ranking your videos higher also need good and appropriate content. 

Understandably, search engines can´t look into your video part, so naming your video file as your focused keyword actually tells the search engine as to what is in your video. 

3. Title of the video:

Write a descriptive, keyword-rich title. A title which perfectly matches your video content will be very friendly to the viewer and also to the YouTube algorithm for SEO.

4. Description of the video:

The video should carry a long description with keywords and links. Certainly, the text is super important for ranking any type of content. The first couple of lines plays a major role in your video´s ranking in the search engine. You can also use the search engine´s autocomplete keyword phrases as your description. If the searched keyword matches the first two lines of your video description, the video is more likely to get a higher ranking.

But remember one thing when you are updating the description of the video, NEVER USE DUPLICATE CONTENT. That means for every new video you need to write a unique description. You can hire some web design company to get the freshest content or to even perform these SEO activities for you.

5. Tags and Keyword research for YouTube videos:

Assuredly, tags are another important way to get a better ranking in the search. But remember, don´t fuss it, just add a few.

-List specific tags first: Write your main keyword first. Doing this will put weight in algorithms.

-List general tags: Write general and matching keywords.

The best video keywords are specific (long-tail) phrases that show up in both YouTube and Google Autocomplete. This way you can rank your video in both places and get more traffic. Moreover, your YouTube marketing plan should target long tail and less competitive keywords.

6. Custom Thumbnails:

This doesn´t send any signal to YouTube in any way, however, eye-catching thumbnails can help you turn the viewers´ jaw, wet and make them eager enough to watch your videos. This can certainly have a drastic impact on your click-through rate (CTR) which will, in turn, drive up your rankings.

How to Get Initial 100 Twitch Followers Reviews and Tips

Regardless of whether Grow Twitch Followers be Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, there's a important likelihood that the specific who you have to communicate to in a model has a social networking account. The perfect YouTuber might be the worst streamer. On the flip facet, a streamer with numerous new followers and a higher CCV typically implies that the streamer's popularity has been escalating by a sizable amount, and you'll be ready to expect to see a lot more progress in the not way too distant potential. By adding new techniques to make funds, Twitch is hoping to cultivate its creator community. Final enormous stage below, men and women enjoy Twitch and it truly is the explanation why it really is so worthwhile. While Twitch can be a bit complicated, it truly is basic to find out and we're right here to offer help. If you're not partnered with Twitch, donations are the sole strategy to make money streaming. 

Some viewers would like to have the adrenaline hurry and enjoyment that accompanies Esports and Buzz online games. So if a viewer would like to view a Junkrat principal, they are simply able to find them! Viewers may look at your video owing to their desire in this issue or the material. Probably your viewers did not get pleasure from the shift. Right away start providing the material that the viewer is seeking for. My Realizations Viewers observe a variety of men and women for a variety of factors. 

Nicely, impressions are useful for plenty of things, largely primarily based on what your targets are when sponsoring streamers. Let us look at 5 reasons why YouTube gaming is very likely to have a good offer of problems breaking into the reside-streaming scene. Let us appear at a good deal of distinct Twitch metrics so that you can secure a better knowing. If you have received them fantastic, if not begin looking around for one thing which performs and you're feeling relaxed with. You are capable to acquire anything if you're significantly less artistically inclined, or you can build your very own. Obtaining to the leading can appear to be an not possible challenge. The sum of money it is achievable to earn with Twitch absolutely is dependent on the site visitors your channel has.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tips Tampil Cantik Saat Pergi Ke Kantor

Tips Tampil Cantik Saat Pergi Ke Kantor - Setiap orang butuh bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Tak terkecuali bagi kamu, para perempuan yang berkarir sebagai pekerja kantoran. Letak gedung kantor yang biasanya berada di jalanan pusat perkotaan biasanya dihiasi dengan lalu lintas yang padat pada pagi hari. Tidak jarang hal ini bisa membuat mood kamu yang semula baik-baik saja saat di rumah tiba-tiba menjadi panik dan takut terlambat.

Belum lagi jika nanti di kantor banyak tugas menanti, kena omelan bos, rekan kerja nggak kompak. Duh, rasanya pengen ke pantai aja kali ya, santai. Nah, kalau sudah tahu resiko pekerjaan kantoran yang seperti ini, kamu harus tahu tips supaya tetap tampil cantik saat di kantor sampai pulang lagi.

1. Siapkan baju pada malam hari

Sebaiknya, baju yang akan kamu pakai esok hari sudah kamu pilih dan setrika pada malam hari. Hal ini untuk mengantisipasi jika kamu ternyata bangun kesiangan. Sedia payung sebelum hujan gitu lah. Pilihlah baju atau seragam yang sopan dan matching antara bagian atas dan bawah, apalagi kalau kamu berjilbab.

2. Bangun lebih awal

Kebiasaan baik ini memang harus diupayakan. Dengan bangun tepat pada waktunya jadwal acara kamu tidak akan berantakan. Atau sebagai seorang muslim, kamu juga punya kewajiban untuk sholat subuh. Nah, adzan subuh itu sebenarnya alarm otomatis yang bisa merangsang tubuhmu untuk segera bangun. Kamu juga bisa berdoa memohon kepada Tuhan agar semua kegiatanmu hari ini lancar dan mudah serta diberi keselamatan.

3. Mandi

Mandi pagi sangat baik untuk membersihkan badan setelah semalaman tidur. Badan kamu akan terasa lebih segar dan ringan untuk memulai aktivitas.

4. Make up

Sebagai pekerja kantoran, kamu perlu memperhatikan wajahmu karena akan berinteraksi dengan banyak orang. Gunakanlah make up untuk mempercantik wajahmu. Gunakan juga parfum sebagai sentuhan akhir. Pilih yang punya aroma berkelas dan elegan seperti vitalis.

5. Sarapan

Sarapan juga penting lho, supaya kamu memiliki tenaga untuk bergerak dan berpikir. Setidaknya, roti dan susu bisa menjadi santapan pagi yang tidak merepotkan untuk menjadi menu sarapan.

Equipment To Become A Beginner Youtuber

Equipment to Become a Beginner Youtuber - Hello Blogger , On this occasion let's review what gear or equipment is needed to become a beginner youtuber to achieve success.

A youtuber will be difficult to develop if only with a camera, so to become a growing and successful youtuber, friends must have some equipment. What are they? Here's the review:

Equipment To Become A Beginner Youtuber

1. Camera

Equipment To Become Youtuber The first beginner is a camera, a camera with good resolution certainly produces good images too. So that your viewer will like the results of your video on youtube. But many of your friends who want to start becoming a youtuber don't have a capable camera.

But you don't need to think about it, because in the current era your Smartphone Camera can be used to take a video with a high enough resolution.

But if friends have more funds then they can use a DSLR camera, Mirrorless, or an action camera. Of course the video quality obtained is also different if you use a camera and handphone.

If friends want to start using a mobile camera, then start now. If your channel has started to develop then friends think about buying a camera to provide more quality to the viewer of friends.

2. Tripod

When starting to become a YouTube you don't have friends who will join you to make videos. I want to maintain a tuyul for holding your camera and video. The price of a tripod is also not expensive, friends, range of hundreds of thousands.

Now besides that, there is now also available a tripod for a cellphone, so friends who use a cellphone camera can also use a tripod so that the video results are cool.

I also have a solution for friends who don't have a tripod, the trick is to use used boxes or stacked books. Well, so friends can adjust the desired camera height.

3. Audio / Microphone

Audio on a video is very influential on the video, because the average audience on youtube is usually more tolerant of videos with ordinary picture quality but with good audio, rather than high quality videos but the audio is not very clear.

In my opinion there are 3 types of microphones that are often used by youtuber, namely Condenser Microphone, Lavalier Microphone, and Microphone Shotgun.

  • Lavalier Microphone, usually a microphone like this is used by host hosts on TV, it is attached to the shirt or clipped to the collar of the shirt.

  • Shotgun Microphone, This microphone is attached to the camera used to take videos. 

  • Condenser Microphone, The sound quality of this microphone is very good because usually this type of microphone is used in recording studios and gaming youtubers.

Well, for friends who use your cellphone to record sound, you should use a number 1 microphone, namely Lavalier Microphone. because the sound quality produced will be better.

4. Laptop or computer

Equipment to Become a Youtuber The next beginner you have to have a laptop or computer for you to work like edit video, upload and others. If friends are minimally budgeted, try buying an important second laptop that is still smooth and usable. At least you can use the internet and review videos of friends.

5. Editing Software

Every video you want to upload on YouTube should go through the editing phase first, like giving an intro, adding music and other effects effects. So, like it or not, friends must learn how to edit videos, just edit simple ones.

For editing software,  Tools to Become Youtuber Beginners themselves are very many, for example iMovie, Adobe Premier, camtasia, movavi video editor and others. All of the applications are very simple in editing so for beginners it is really suitable.

6. Lighting

The use of lighting on each video is very good effect, because it will provide comfort to the audience to see our faces on the video. In addition, the function of light effects is very diverse, can read read on Google.

One of the functions of lighting or lighting is to create an atmosphere, with light settings can create a different atmosphere created by the actor supported by light. For example, if the atmosphere is sad, the lighting is a little more dimmed.

Here are tips for friends, if you don't have lighting, try sitting in front of your room window and put the camera in the window and start making videos. And pay attention to the results, surely the light is cool. The right time is between 10am and 3pm (if it's not cloudy)

7. Internet network

The internet network is very much needed to upload your work to YouTube, you should install internet network at home such as wifi or home to make it free to upload videos without quota limits. Video upload speed is also affected by your internet speed.

The faster your internet is, the faster the upload process will be. But I think just the standard standard speed is enough. After all, we upload videos at home and there is no time limit when it must be finished.

Those are some  tools to become a beginner youtuber, hopefully you can help friends who want to become youtuber. If friends like this article, please share it with social media, friends. As for if there are shortcomings, I hope that friends give input, thank you.

How to Become a Music Youtuber

Now first is what is Youtuber music? Youtuber music is YouTube that does make videos in the music field. And indeed there are many people who really work on YouTube with the theme of music, because indeed music itself has more viewers, so there are so many music creators on YouTube. 

And if we talk about youtube, there is so much that we can get because indeed YouTube is a storehouse of creative, unique and quality videos. So it's not wrong if YouTube itself can be the place with the most video viewers, so a lot of people want video they are watched by many people.

Indeed, there are many people who want to become youtuber, one of them is why in the field of music in the music field? because as I mentioned above, the audience of music-themed videos is more than the other video themes and I have seen it myself with the rise of music videos that have penetrated up to 1 billion viewers, and certainly not much more, can faint if there are so many watching the video that we uploaded because it was so happy.

Then how to become a successful music youtuber ? well of course it's not all as easy as turning the palm of the hand, need patience and need carefulness and need patience to achieve success on youtube, because indeed as we see now there are so many successful youtuber who are not instantly, they also need the name patience, as I alluded to in my previous article about How to Become a Beginner Youtuber.

And maybe most of you who want to be a music youtuber are confused about where to start. Here I am going to explain and also give a few tips so that you become a successful music youtuber.

Think about what is your musical ability?   
Now the first thing I say is what your abilities are in music and what abilities you have in the field of music , why do I emphasize first what are your abilities in the music field ? because this will make your first capital in YouTube . 

So suggest that you start from what you have mastered in the field of music or what your hobbies are in the music field, and don't then choose all the things in the music field, but one of them is what you are very good at and you really are really know what you are doing. 

Give me the quality of your content 

This way I will tell you to improve the quality of your content, or here I will emphasize you on the quality of your music video that you make, which is how you display a video so that your video doesn't seem to be boring and not too monotonous or you I learned about how to take good video which is very much on the internet. 

Provide the quality of your content 

Then here , I urge you not to think about your era or the quality of the video you produce, but I am here to explain to you if your camera is not too supportive, try highlighting the quality or creativity of the music you are playing right, of course it will impress people and also make people like your video. 

Whatever your video quality is down, but this can be overcome by the creativity of the content in your video that really makes people impressed because your video looks very impressive even though the quality of your video is not good 

Make Music Video Cover 

Ah, if we have a way to cover music, there must be no sob, because there is a lot of music cover videos on YouTube, and according to me, being a youtuber, music covers have more opportunities to be seen on YouTube, because there are so many enthusiasts of music. , and the music cover is very much like : 

1. Cover Songs , this is a YouTube song that loves to cover songs or is an expert in covering a song, sometimes it is really sweet and beautiful sound that is needed for the cover field. 

2.Fingerstyle Guitar , then here is a youtuber who likes the speed of the hand or their high skill because indeed to play fingertyle guitar is necessary and creative as well . F. 

3. Remix an audio , now this one might be a little high because indeed we are required to be experts in an audio processing software that is intended to make the instrument itself . And indeed this is a lot done by the DJs. 

4. Make your own song , if here the level is higher because we have to make poetry and also make musical instruments on our own. And here we also have to know about the tone, melody and still much more because it is difficult to make a song yourself. easy. but if you really succeed then you will become famous. 

Ignore the Viewers 

Why do I say to ignore the viewers or viewers because if you think of vi ewers you will be uprooted and lazy in the middle because you might not be lazy to make videos anymore because your viewers are little and not too interested, of course this will make nothing. 

So lupaka is the first viewer that you have to focus on is your content or video, where if quality, reality, the uniqueness of your video is high then watching will come with it without you thinking and assuming if Your video is minimal, ew or audience, meaning you have to make a more quality and good quality watch. 
Think about the duration 

Time or du race is still an important thing in youtube videos especially in the field of music, but it will be bossy if too long and also the audience will be confused if the video is too short, so it is necessary to adjust the duration of the video on boredom. with the v ideo that you made. or if I can provide it , try making a music video with a duration of 3-5 minutes to 6 minutes long. 
Be diligent in uploading videos 

Then here you have to be diligent and persistent in filling out your ideas because the more you get and the more you upload videos, the more likely you are to get a bigger view because the video you are downloading is quite a lot or at least you can upload 2 video every once a week.     

Don't forget to be patient 

Be patient because being patient is the key to success, and indeed patience in the world of youtube is needed once because in order to get a specific result youtube is very unlikely we get instantaneously especially if our content is not qualified so try to keep ap update your video content and also be patient. 


Well the point is you have to keep updating the video content and also don't forget to always update your skills and to improve the quality of your videos and also get instant viewers as fast as lightning you need whose names are patient and persistently updated content to reap maximum result. 

so many of my posts about how to become a successful youtuber of music on youtube , all are useful and can also help those of you who really need it.